Socio-Environmental Sustainability

Packaging Reductions

As a company, Datoff Bros. Construction Ltd. strives to reduce, limit, and reuse as much material, and waste as possible. Since we do not directly sell any products, our packaging process is non-existent, but we do value products that use limited packaging as well as recycled content to package their products, however it is hard to anticipate suppliers packaging processes. We attempt to extract as much value out of the products we use, and try to reuse the packaging where applicable, whether it is boxes or containers. In the case that the packaging holds no value for us, we will recycle the packaging by the appropriate means necessary, if possible. We also provide large water coolers for our employees, in hope to reduce the number of plastic bottle on site. Additionally, we encourage each job site to implement recycling at as many levels as possible, with bottles, cardboard, and paper products being the most common.

Greenhouse Gas/Carbon Reduction

Datoff Bros. Construction Ltd. attempts to reduce carbon emissions mainly through our equipment. We understand that greenhouse emissions are a huge concern in today’s industrial world and our company depends on such fuels to provide our services, however we attempt to limit our emissions as much as possible. One such tactic is with careful scheduling and tracking of our needed materials and employees, which we can control and limit our fuel emissions significantly. Upon purchasing any new equipment, we place high priority on the fuel efficiency. Due to this, most of our equipment is fairly new, and as fuel efficient as possible. We also prefer products or materials that are produced regionally, which although helps the regional economy, also helps cut down on freight emissions.

Waste Reduction

Datoff Bros. Construction Ltd. attempts to limit its waste contribution in a number of ways. We attempt to reuse as much product and material throughout the whole process, that will not hinder the integrity of our overall product, as possible. Similarly, we attempt to reuse as much scrap materials as possible, and in the occasion that we cannot use it, we encourage our employees and other personal to take any excess material that they might find beneficial. All excess material that cannot be reused will be recycled if possible, scrap metal being a highly recycled resource. We also strive to use as much inventoried material as possible to help reduce the processing of further material, and to cut down on possible carbon emissions. Any job that entails demolition will provide us the opportunity to salvage as much resources throughout the process as possible.

Toxic Reduction

Datoff Bros. Construction Ltd. understands that the construction industry is full of toxic and hazardous materials used in the process. We attempt to limit our interaction with such products as much as possible, and we review and store all information on any hazardous material, no matter how high or low the severity, through our MSDS index. Through the event that we do have to use hazardous material, we do so with the utmost caution, and always have WHIMIS kits close by in the chance that we spill such materials. Our smoking policy is set on a job by job basis depending on the circumstances.

Third Party Eco Labeling

Although Datoff Bros. Construction currently does not actively seek out products that are eco-certified, we do understand the importance of such products. With a huge emphasis on environmental sustainability, and justifiably so, we as a company are increasingly inclined to start using more eco-certified products.

Social-Economic Sustainability

Datoff Bros. Construction Ltd. values the local community, as well as contributing, and enhancing the local economy. We add a number of contributions to the community that include sponsoring the seasonal Operation Red Nose program, contributing to the local juvenile diabetes Walk-To-Cure-Diabetes event, and sponsoring the Caribou Cougars, our local major midget hockey team. Additionally, we prefer to subcontract most of our jobs to local companies where possible and use products that are manufactured regionally to add strength to our local economy.